Kaslo Living Lab
Kootenay Lake Innovation Centre is a Creative Coworking Space for Open Source Innovation creating a Living Lab that will be located in Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada. We will be using regenerative design to create scalable communities for affordable living. With local and regional partners, we are testing and building low cost but high performance housing, food growing systems, shared electric transportation and micro-grid energy. It has makerspaces, leverages a creative collective, and intergenerational programs for new business opportunities.

Living Labs are experimental zones or “sandboxes” for rural communities to rapidly innovate. They begin with open data standards and civic engagement platforms to co-create its design with bioregional data first.
Through experimentation and education, the village updates in real time and enables its residents to live in a circular economy with regenerative functionality.

Each new Living Lab becomes part of a global network of other new villages that work together and share learnings to solve the greatest challenges of our time.
We are looking to partner with you and your members, customers and employers. We need regional technology solutions, datasets, professionals, schools and educators.
This is for Kaslo, BC and Kootenay Regional organizations to partner together in the bioregion.