Civic Hackathon for Crisis & Change

We are NOT going back to school as usual.
- Help us reach ONE BILLION YOUTH WORLDWIDE to Reverse the Pandemic!
- Let’s make ‘World Changing’ our homework
- Help us find and fund the best next generation solutions
In recent weeks, we have seen the significant economic impact of the coronavirus on financial markets and a wide range of industries: manufacturing, tourism, hospitality, and travel. Behind these statistics lie the human costs of the pandemic, from the deaths of friends and family to the physical effects of infection, mental trauma, and fear faced by almost everyone. Not knowing how this pandemic plays out affects our economic, physical and mental well-being against a backdrop of a world that, for many, is increasingly anxious, unhappy and lonely. The goal of the Rapid Response team is to create a Reverse Pandemic challenge which will eradicate the phobia behind the coronavirus. This youth-driven movement is creating the world’s largest youth organized hackathon. Participants will be able to make any sort of hardware or software technology which eases the many aspects of COVID-19.
We are matching rockstar dream makers (youth leaders!), mentors, sector leaders, youth serving organizations, and more with our brilliant rapid response team. Let’s Go!
Form into groups and ask each other some questions;
- I wish I could …
- How might we …
- If only I could take time to fix …
- It’s such a pain that …
- Wouldn’t it be better for everyone if …
Complete the following;
- Team & Member Names
- Product or Service Name
- Short Description of Product or Service
- Video (Max 5 minutes)
- Name
- Problem Statement – what is the problem?
- Solution & Demonstration – how it works
- Usability – Why it’s better than the existing solution
- Marketing – How to get partners and people to use it?
Judging Guidelines for the first round of submission
- Idea
- Uniqueness – Is this something that exists or just a slight improvement of an existing idea or a completely new idea
- Marketing – How viable is this idea in the market
All this for big prizes and global solutions! More to come…